Saturday, October 16, 2010

Baboro trip-Woodbeat and gallery tour

We had a great time at Baboro last Tuesday.
First,we went to Nun's Island to see Woodbeat, a magical show where a man made different creatures out of wood and another man played wood instruments as he did so.There was one caterpillar like creature called Titi that made the children laugh a lot and also a creature who looked like a funny little man who strutted about and had a big deep voice.The children got to explore the set afterwards.
We then went to the museum,passing under the Spanish Arch on our way and in the museum we saw currachs and a statue of a writer called Paraic O Conaire.A lady called Alison showed us around an exhibition of childrens' illustrators - pink monsters on skates carrying cakes,princesses up on top of piles and piles of mattresses, a painting with a rubber in it that seemed to be rubbing out the rest of the painting!We went upstairs then and Alison gave us all paper and pencils and asked us to draw what happened before or after one of the pictures we had looked at. The children did wonderful work and were very well behaved all day.We were very proud of them! 

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